
Heroin Addiction Signs, Effects, and Withdrawal Symptoms

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If you have paid attention to the news lately, then you know that the country is in the midst of an opioid drug epidemic. Prescription painkillers and illicit opioid drugs are taking more lives than ever. Heroin is just one of those drugs. Derived from morphine, which comes from the opium poppy plant, heroin is a central nervous system depressant that affects the brain’s pleasure system and interrupts the brain’s ability to feel physical pain.

Addiction to heroin is a chronic, relapsing condition that physically changes the brain, leading the addicted person to exhibit uncontrollable drug-seeking actions, despite all the negative consequences of drug addiction. When an individual uses heroin regularly, tolerance to the drug will develop and the person will need to use more and more of the drug to experience the same effects. As the dosage is continually increased, the person will become physically dependent on the heroin and will experience withdrawal symptoms when the drug use is discontinued.

Heroin is found in different forms. It may be white to dark brown powder or tar-like substance. It can be used in multiple ways including intravenous injection, smoking, or snorting it.

Signs and Symptoms of Heroin Addiction

While the signs and symptoms of heroin addiction can differ from person to person, there are some that are usually present. The extent of the symptoms depends on a few factors that include:

Typically, an individual who uses heroin will feel an extreme surge of euphoria, heavy extremities, flushing of the skin, and dry mouth. After that initial rush, the person will likely become very drowsy and may “nod off.” This leaves the individual wanting more of the euphoric feeling which can quickly lead to dependence and addiction.

Some of the most common symptoms and signs that a person is addicted to heroin are:

Effects of Heroin Addiction

The effects of using heroin can be serious for addicts, impacting every area of their lives. The longer an individual uses heroin, the more devastating the effects are. Some of the most common physical effects of heroin addiction are:

In addition to the physical effects, there are often legal issues and relationship issues that accompany heroin addiction. Drug-seeking can cause addicts to steal money or items they can sell quickly to secure their next fix, which can lead to arrest and incarceration. Because the pull of addiction is so strong, those who are addicted often choose to continue using heroin even though it results in the loss of relationships with loved ones.

Withdrawal Symptoms of Heroin

Heroin is a fast-acting opiate that has a short half-life. That means that its effects and how long it takes to leave the body are relatively short compared to other types of opioid drugs. Withdrawal from heroin isn’t usually life-threatening, but is can be severe and painful. Some of the symptoms of heroin withdrawal are:

Get Help for Heroin Addiction at My Time Recovery

There is hope for those who suffer from heroin addiction, it doesn’t have to be a life sentence. At My Time Recovery in Fresno, we have heroin addiction treatment professionals to guide you through treatment and get you started on your recovery. If you are considering rehab for yourself or a loved one, please contact us today, we can answer any questions and address your concerns about addiction treatment.

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