Veteran Assistance Program


Providing Help & Support for Veterans, Active-Duty Military, & Their Family Members

My Time Recovery is a social model detox and residential program delivering evidence- based interventions to improve the lives of those suffering from addiction and mental health disorders. The treatment environment promotes individual and group therapy, holistic strategies, and community integration. My Time Recovery promotes a lifestyle free from drugs and alcohol, and program curriculum to support stabilization, long-term recovery, and increased quality of life.

My Time Recovery offer co-occurring disorder treatment to military veterans whose lives have changed and become unmanageable due to substance use and mental health challenges such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.

Have questions about our veteran’s treatment program?

What Is Community Care?

Community care is a VA program that allows vets to seek out treatment from non-VA providers for a variety of health issues, including substance abuse and co-occurring disorders such as PTSD. While the VA hospitals and clinics are generally considered to be the foundation of veteran health care, they aren’t the only options. In some cases, VA hospitals or clinics may be at capacity or otherwise unable to provide treatment and have to outsource care for mental illness, co-occurring disorders, or substance abuse disorders, or addiction to non-VA health care facilities through their community care program.

Follow These Steps to Get VA Benefits

Find a Community Provider

If you don’t have VA health care benefits, you can apply now.

Apply for
VA Benefits

If you don’t have VA health care benefits, you can apply it here.

Addiction Assessment

Make an appointment in Northern California for an addiction assessment.

Veterans Crisis Line

For a medical emergency, please call 911 or call the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255, then press 1.
* Or call VETSConnect, 1-800-382-8387 Appointment scheduling and answers to your health, eligibility, and benefits questions are just a phone call away through VETSConnect, our friendly, convenient and easy-to-use telephone care program. Call 1-800-382-8387.

My Time Recovery's
Treatment Program Highlights

Have questions about our treatment program?

The Experience

Treatment Therapies​

My Time

Physical therapy is a hollistic activities that can quickly help reduce stress and emotional pain from long term substance abuse.


Adventure therapy is an actively engaged client experience to improve mental health. We believes that learning how to enjoy life sober…


Yoga therapy will apply wisdom about the wellness of mind, body, and spirit to those suffering from or recovering from addiction. Through utilizing breath…


Sound therapy provides the space for integration, bringing the mind and body into a profound level of peace and inner quiet.


Specialized Program for Treatment of Addiction Trauma My Time Recovery offers a specialized program for individuals who are struggling..


EDMR Eye Movement Desensitization and reprocessing (EDMR) therapy helps to treat the emotional symptoms that occur following trauma…


We prioritize personalized care and holistic healing to meet the unique needs of our clients, overall well-being and individualized treatment.


Art therapy is an expressive therapy that assists individuals in expressing thoughts and feelings which can not be say with words.

Fill out this information and our treatment specialist will reach out to you!

My Time
Recovery Close To Home
Our Fresno-based high-end treatment facilities are standing by. Reach out today and take the first step toward recovery.

Our Program at a Glance